Fictional stories lived by a character, give us a look at those emotions and situations behind what we know as sins.
“I live in everyone, in a thousand ways.
I am what is seen and what is hidden.
What is whispered and what is silent»
Paola Klug
TRACES… Choreographic Treatise on Desire.
(7 sins/7 desires)
What emotions are behind each one of what are known as deadly sins? What situations can awake in us to live them? This project was born from my interest in addressing the 7 deadly sins from an emotional and/or psychological perspective, considering them as desires that human beings have but usually hide or repress. Starting from this, and taking as an artistic basis the redefinition of elements of traditional dances and music from different regions of Mexico, different fictional stories were created, starring a woman who goes through each one of those sins – desires and thus, achieve to be the mirror through which the public feels identified and/or touched.
The project consists of seven plays that can be presented individually or together, thereby forming programs of different durations. In this way, TRACES… Choreographic Treatise on Desire, shows seven stories united under characteristics and elements that have been creating an aesthetic of the work itself. Among the various characteristic features of this aesthetic we have that, without leaving the one-person format, scenic characters without a characteristic identity are integrated, who as «entities» accompany the central character in each of her delusions, helping to generate and enhance each of the scenarios and situations that the protagonist goes through; Another element that has been worked with during the development of the assembly is the use of the skirt (as a distinctive element of folk dance), which can be seen resignified in different uses, sizes, textures; likewise, each story is inspired and approached from a traditional dance-musical genre such as: the “Danza de diablos” (dance of devils), son istmeño, son jarocho, among others.
Know more about the seven plays: