A woman struggles to understand and escape several ills that afflict her physically, spiritually, and mentally.

«They say that Tiricia is the worst of diseases,

that it hardly heals and that sadness

It is the one that is in charge of the person”

Ruben Luengas



(When you can’t cry)


We are braiding our history. Situations, emotions, thoughts are shaping us and sometimes also entangling. WHITE FLOWERS (When you can’t cry) is a one-person work that is born from traditional dance with a contemporary look and treatment, to address the conflicts that arise between a mind and body altered by states of anxiety, stress and / or depression, taking as a reference the condition that among indigenous cultures is known as «La Tirica» (The disease of the soul)*.


Based on the texts “La Tiricia” by Rubén Luengas and “Trenzaré mi tristeza” by Paola Klug; as well as in different traditional genres of Mexico such as son jarocho, huasteco, arribeño and chilena; WHITE FLOWERS (When you can’t cry) tells the story of a woman who struggles to understand and escape from these ills that afflict her physically, spiritually and mentally.


The play is the result of a work that involved renowned Mexican artists. It should be noted that the musical pieces and arrangements, as well as some of its lyrics, have been composed exclusively for this work. In this way, poetry, singing, scenery, lighting, music and dance take the viewer on an introspective journey about sadness and rebirth. It premiered in July 2018 at the “Teatro de la danza – INBA” Theater and has been presented in places and festivals such as the Raúl Flores Canelo Theater of CENART; “Salón de danza UNAM”; “Macedonio Alcalá” Theater,in  Oaxaca; “Méixico, ciudad que baila” Festival; “Nueva danza, Nueva música” Festival; “Patria grande” Festival; Sergio Magaña Theater; “Encuentro Nacional de Danza del INBA” at the Centro Cultural Mexiquense Bicentenario; among others. It was supported by the “Fondo Nacional Para la Cultura y las Artes”.


*Among the indigenous peoples of Mexico, it is said that people who have this disease cannot cry, they are hungry, they often have nightmares and their noses itch a lot. There may be several causes, but among its remedies is going to pick white flowers and throw them into a river so that it takes away the sadness.